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  • Jane Pigott
Jane Pigott

Jane Pigott


Visiting Surgeon

Jane graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2014. Following graduation, she spent time working in first opinion small animal practice in the UK and Ireland, and later in several referral centres across the UK. She obtained an RCVS Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice in Veterinary Cardiology in 2019 and was subsequently accredited as an RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Veterinary Cardiology in 2020. Jane also completed her Masters in Interventional Cardiology at the National University of Ireland Galway in 2020, being one of only two Veterinary Cardiologists to hold this qualification.  

Jane practices as a Veterinary Cardiologist in both the UK and Ireland, and is passionate about optimising the management of heart disease for each pet referred to her, so that they can continue to live their best lives with their families.  

Outside of work, Jane enjoys walking in the Peaks and relaxing with her cat Darwin. 

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