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  • Rabbit Dental Care Near Me | Peak Vets

From a bunny to an adult, your rabbit's teeth will continue to grow throughout their life. They can chew through difficult foods and break them down while keeping the necessary fat, protein, and energy because of their continuous growth.

Your rabbit's diet and nutritional requirements have a big impact on their digestion, overall health, and diet. Eating the wrong foods might cause financial hardships for you as the owner in addition to health and dental problems.

We at Peak Vets may check your 'rabbit's dental care near me' at regular general checkups to help ensure it stays happy and healthy for as long as possible.


Keeping Your Rabbit’s Teeth Healthy

Because rabbits have a high rate of dental illness, giving your pet the healthiest food possible can encourage proper oral hygiene in them.

Hay and pellet feeds together account for 80–85% of a balanced diet. Reach out to our veterinary nurses at Peak Vets immediately to learn more about the best options for "rabbit dental care near me". We can help you keep your rabbit's teeth clean and healthy in addition to making sure it eats the proper meals.


Why Do You Need Rabbit Dental Care Near Me

A rabbit with dental problems won't show symptoms in public, even if they do. If you have any concerns, it's imperative that you make an appointment with your local veterinarian as soon as possible.

Some cautionary signs to be aware of are:

  • Runny eyes
  • Hypersalivation or drooling
  • Reduced appetite or not eating at all
  • Reduced or inability to ingest caecotrophs
  • Swelling of the face due to a possible abscess
  • Less faecal pellets.

If your bunny shows symptoms of facial swelling, it can be the result of an abscess near the tooth root. It is advisable to attempt to diagnose and treat them as soon as possible by getting in touch with your local dental care facility, since they can be unpleasant and sometimes challenging to treat.

Rabbit Dental Care Near Me


Dental Services Near Me at Peak Vets

For more information about our local rabbit dental care, please get in touch with Peak Vets as soon as possible.

If you haven't already, please register your rabbit online along with any other pets you may have. You may make online appointments at your convenience once you've registered.


Rabbit Dental Care Near Me Online Booking